The Directorate of Sports created a unique Nova World Record in Ball Badminton (High Service). We are proud to say this is the 5th Nova World Record for the Directorate of Sports, SRMIST. SRMIST Registrar Dr. S. Ponnusamy inaugurated the Nova World Record on the morning of the 27th at 8 am. Dr. B. Babu Manoharan, Chairman of St. Joseph Engineering College, initiated the first service; it went on till the 28th morning at 9 am. 282 ball badminton players (M&W) served the high service, which reached 20 meters high for 25 hours continuously to raise awareness about anti-drug initiatives. Ball badminton players from all over India took part in this Nova World Record, and Honourable Vice Chancellor Prof. C. Muthamizhchelvan and Director of Sports Prof. R. Mohanakrishnan received the Nova World Record Honours from Mr. Rajkumar, CEO of Nova World Record.
Nova World Records Created by the Directorate of Sports, SRMIST
1. Longest Yoga Marathon (84 Students Performed Yoga Continuously for 24 Hours to raise awareness against drug abuse)
2. Pledge Against Drugs (5,084 Students took a pledge and participated in a Signature Campaign against drugs)
3. 10th International Yoga Day Celebration (520 students performed the Common Yoga Protocol and set a record for the maximum Surya Namaskars, promoting yoga awareness)
4. 24-Hour Basketball Free Throws Challenge (85 Students performed continuous basketball free throws for 24 hours)
5. Ball Badminton Marathon – The Ultimate Challenge (282 students will serve 20-feet-high Service continuously for 25 hours to promote anti-drug awareness)